Sunday, February 27, 2011

Preparing for Spring

Well, I haven't posted for awhile because frankly there isn't much to talk about. It has been a snowy winter and we have basically been in hibernation, fighting colds and sinus infections every other week. The only glimmer of hope that it will be warm and green again is the numerous garden catalogs coming in the mail. The biggest questions of the year are which plants are worthy of garden space, time, and resources.
Tomatoes were tough..there are so many that seem worth trying in the catalogs, but ultimately they are really just repeats. For the last 3 years we have done so many seedlings that somehow the names get washed off the tags and I never can track which plants do the best. I read about using cow ear tag markers so hopefully I can do a little scientific trials regarding which plants are worth keeping. Ultimately, at this point I feel we need a good cherry/grape, a large slicing tomato, and productive roma type. I also like not only a red version of the slicing tomatoes and romas, but yellow as well. We had juliet last year for a grape variety and it was very productive and rather large. Calysta ate her body weight in them and I took tons of bowls to work for everyone to snack on.
Here is the line up from totally tomatoes:
Goliath Original (Todd's dad, Dave, swears by these alone)
Lemon Boy
Big Beef Hybrid
Roman Candle ( a yellow roma)
San Marzano
Sugary (grape tomato)
and from the store 4th of July

Sweet Goliath

Herbs: Delfino Cilantro
Cauliflower: Snow Crown
Broccoli: Waltham 29
This week getting the 4th of July started and a few Juliets that I can put into containers for a few early bird tomatoes.

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