Thursday, June 10, 2010

The summer Fruit is Coming In

We have strawberries. And not just a few, but are picking about a gallon a day!! I mean my entire intent when I planted these beds three years ago was to have more strawberries then I needed, but I didn't actually think I could accomplish this. Gardening observations: Honeoye--small, flavorful berry, cookie cutter shape and freezing. In all fairness to the honeoye plant they are extremely crowded in the bed and I should have thinned the plants. Second bed has Allstar plants. They produce well with good size berries, more irregular shapes, but they are also spaced more appropriately. The problem is when they are spaced accordingly the berries can be seen at a distance and then the peacocks help themselves to the patch. It would be one thing if they ate a few berries, but they just pick at the berries and damage the fruit. If they weren't so beautiful I would be mad. I love that the junebearing are so productive and I am giving berries away as well as freezing them. And let's not forget that Calysta eats her body weight in strawberries each day. I would like to plant a bed of everbearing so in July and August when i am hungry for fresh berries...they will be there.

Nanking Cherry Bushes...planted 3 about 3 years ago. They are covered in little crimson delights. They cherries are smaller then a regular cherry with a slightly tart flavor. The first berries to ripen seemed affected by some little maggot. Gross! But the berries ripening the last few days are not. I think they berries started to ripen faster then the fruit maggot could eat em! Overall, very happy with how these plants are coming along. I bought them from either Gurney or Henry Field (same difference in my mind)

Today, Calysta picked the first red raspberry. Apparently, they are also coming soon!!!!

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